First Transaction
When performing your first transaction using application id: 00000000-263b-4315-b2cd-000000000000, the following options are available in
COF and Debit with PAN
Process a COF transactions by setting CardholderPrense to “MOTO, COF” and providing the full card details.
- CardholderPresence": "MOTO, COF”
- PAN:
- ExpiryDate:
COF and Debit with TransactionIndex
Process a COF transactions by setting the PANFormat and “Sanitised/tokenised card details.
- PANFormat
- PAN:
- ExpiryDate:
- TransactionIndex
The gateway will return the TransactionIndex, masked PAN and Expiry Date, which you will need to store in your database. The following field response values should be stored on your database, linked to the card holder details.
- TransactionIndex
- ExpiryDate
Subsequent/COF Transaction
Now comes the time you want to debit the same card. You will need to pass the following using application id 01010101-7694-4343-95EE-010101010101 which is not 3DS enforced.
Note that this is a different Application ID to the one used for initial transaction but must reside within the same user group.
For this transaction you need to also include the following fields on your request:
- PANFormat: This must always be fixed to TransactionIndex
- PAN: You must provide the previous transaction ‘s response value. The masked PAN must be populated.
- ExpiryDate: You must provide the previous transaction ‘s response value.
The combination of the above are used by the gateway to retrieve the missing digits of the card. Should the above not match to the previous transaction then your transaction will fail.