Create Batch * ** Purpose * - To create and upload a batch file for processing in BackOffice, the system will automatically generate both the header and trailer records in compliance with iVeri standards. Action: * From the main menu, the user will navigate to: Batch - Create Batch.* Action: * The user will select the applicable Application ID. Action: * Select ' New transaction'* in order to start capturing your own batch entries. Action: * After capturing each transaction, select "Save." Repeat this process until all the transactions you want to process have been captured. NOTE: * Merchant Terminal *– The default is BATCH. If you want to sort your transactions in the Transaction Details Report, you can allocate your own terminal number for each transaction by deleting the word BATCH and

Lite BackOffice User Guide

Lite* ** iVeri Lite is a Fast, Flexible, Robust and Efficient payment solution for Internet Merchants. iVeri Lite is a payment solution that enables merchants to accept payments from their cardholders through their own website, the payment page is customizable by the merchant and easy to integrate to their environment. This allows the merchant to accept payments using multiple payment methods that can be availed for the merchant. A website developer in the iVeri Merchant BackOffice can configure the look and feel of the secure payment page that is hosted by the iVeri Payment Gateway.

User Manager

User Manager *** * *

View Batch * ** Purpose * - To view the status of batches that have been uploaded for processing and view any errors / failed transactions in a completed batch. Action: * From the main menu, the user will navigate to: Batch - View Batch.* Action: * The user will select the applicable Application ID. Action: * The user will select the date range for the Batch they would like to view. Action: * The user will now be able to view the Batch for the selected date range. To view any errors within the Batch or applicable to a specific transaction, the user can click on the "Errors".

Data Types * ** The following key table is used for data types: Data Type * Description * A Alpha only (A-Za-z) AN Alphanumeric (a-zA-Z0-9) Base64 Base64 encryption of binary data Boolean True or False Guid Globally Unique Identifier:  {[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}\} (eg {8E51611F-E19A-4FF0-B229-6A69F42AAA62}) Hex Hex (0-9A-Fa-f) N Numeric (Positive integer) N. Digits and dots (.) (e.g's 4242........4242, 1.0) N: Digits and colons String ANPS Free format string containing: Alpha, numeric, special and padding (printable ASCII) Z Positive or negative integer Node Type * Set input parameter value * Get output parameter value * attribute enterprise.setAttribute(..) enterprise.getAttribute(..) tag enterprise.setTag(..) enterprise.getTag(..) parame

Print Report – Batch Summary * ** Purpose -  *To View/Print the report of a processed batch in either PDF – Downloadable PDF View or XLS – Excel Spreadsheet formats. This function will produce a report summarizing the transactions by Result Description in the selected batch. Action: * From the main menu, the user will navigate to Batch - Print Report - Batch Summary*. Action: * The user will select the applicable Application ID. Action: * Determine the date range for the search criteria you wish to retrieve. Action: * Select the file format you wish to obtain from the drop down (either the default PDF, CSV or XLS) and then select the file from the list which you want to download and click on Print. This will bring up the following screen. The Print Button will start an automatic download t

Merchant URLS by Acquirer

Merchant URLS by Acquirer * ** Nedbank Merchants [1] CSC Merchants [2] CBZ Merchants [3] I&M Merchants [4] CIM Merchants [5] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Merchant Interface Functionality

Merchant Interface Functionality* **

Ecommerce, Card Not Present

* Sale/Purchase * * * M Mandatory O Optional C Conditional blank not relevant * Context * * Parameter * * Debit with PAN * * Debit with TransactionIndex * * Void * * Credit with PAN * * Credit with TransactionIndex * Core ApplicationID * M * * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Category * M * * M * * M * * M * * M * Core CertificateID * M * * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Gateway * O * * O * * O * * O * * O * Core Command * M * * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Mode * M * * M * * M * * M * * M * Common Amount *  M * *  M * *   * *  M * *  M * Common CardSecurityCode O O O O Common PAN M M M Common Currency *  M * *  M * *   * *  M * *  M * Common ExpiryDate *  M * *  M * *   * * M  * *  M * Common MerchantReference *  M * *  M * *   * *  M * *  M * Common OriginalMerchantReference *   * *   * *  M * *   *

QR Code - MasterPass

* QR Code – MasterPass Parameters * * * Context * * Parameter * * MasterPassQuickResponseCod *e* * * MasterPassPaymentNotification * * Credit with TransactionIndex * * Void * Core ApplicationID * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Category * M * * M * * M * * M * Core CertificateID * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Gateway * O * * O * * O * * O * Core Command * M * * M * * M * * M * Core Mode * M * * M * * M * * M * Common Amount *   * *   * *   * *   * Common ExipiryDate *   * *   * *   * *   * Common Currency *   * *   * *   * *   * Common MerchantReference *   * *   * *   * *   * MasterPass MasterPassAction * M * *   * *   * *   * MasterPass MasterPassMerchantID * M * *   * *   * *   * MasterPass MasterPassShortDescription *   * *   * *   * *   * MasterPass MasterPassCodeExpiryDate *   * *   * *   *