Query Transaction Status
Note: This is just an extra step that can be used by the Merchant to make sure about the Transaction results. We would recommend that a Merchant should use this as a call to make sure the results he received back from the Authorization (Debit) of a transaction are consistent with the results returned here. The URL to post to is defined under the Gateway Addresses
The response to the Authorisation Information request is the following:
- Lite_Merchant_ApplicationId
- Lite_Merchant_Trace
- Ecom_Payment_Card_Number
- Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Month
- Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Year
- MerchantReference
- Lite_Order_Amount
- Lite_Order_BudgetPeriod
- Lite_Order_Terminal
- Lite_Order_AuthorisationCode
- Lite_BankReference
- Lite_TransactionDate
- Lite_TransactionIndex
- Lite_Payment_Card_Status
- Lite_Result_Description