Transaction Terminology

An iVeri transaction is the combination of a transaction request (command: Authorisation, AuthorisationReversal, Debit, Credit, Void), and its corresponding response. A transaction sequence relates to the complete set of movement of goods and services and can include many related transactions.
An iVeri transaction involves communication between the following players:
Card Holder .>Merchant > iVeri Gateway > Acquirer > Association > Issuer

Unique Identifiers 
The players in an iVeri transaction generate the following fields to identify an individual transaction


Individual transaction identifier


Merchant Trace

iVeri Gateway



Acquirer Reference

The players in an iVeri transaction generate the following fields to identify a transaction sequence:



Transaction sequence identifier


Merchant Reference

iVeri Gateway

Transaction Index

A MerchantReference is a unique identifier defined by the Merchant for a transaction sequence within a limited time period.  A MerchantReference is mandatory (for initial transaction requests and optional for follow-up requests). It typically corresponds to an invoice or ticket number (a transaction sequence).

A MerchantTrace is a unique identifier for each request sent to the gateway and is an optional parameter. The MerchantTrace corresponds to a database index that was generated before a request was sent to the gateway. In short, the MerchantTrace refers to a particular step in the transaction sequence.

Example is below:
For a Debit followed by an immediate Void (cancellation of ticket etc): The MerchantReference remains the same for both steps of the transaction sequence, while the MerchantTrace is different for the Debit and Void.

  • A single MerchantReference can be associated with many MerchantTrace's.
  • Similarly, a single TransactionIndex can be associated with many RequestID's.

TransactionIndex and Follow up transactions
TransactionIndex refers to the unique identifier given by the iVeri Gateway to a set of related transactions. When a TransactionIndex is an input parameter, then the command is referred to as a “follow up”. Therefore, the actions with the suffix “with TransactionIndex” mean “as a Follow up transaction”.

Follow up transactions by default use the same card information that was set in the initial transaction, however by default the follow up is considered a Card not present (Keyed) transaction.

Specifying one of the following mutually exclusive optional follow up input parameters can change the default behaviour:

  • Track2: The follow up transaction is considered a “Swiped” transaction
  • ExpiryDate: applicable to change when the original expiry date is in the past.

A follow up transaction can be done within 6 months of the original transaction. It can be used within a valid transaction sequence (eg a credit after a debit), but not for an invalid sequence (eg a debit following a credit). It cannot be used for a PIN based transaction.

Reversal transaction (Negative transaction)
A reversal transaction is an equal but opposite transaction to a previously successful transaction. This is typically a refund (i.e. a credit following a debit). A reversal typically results in both legs of the transaction being shown on the merchants and cardholders’ statements.

A merchant may initiate a reversal any time after a transaction was processed. A merchant can perform the reversal either by:

  • performing a follow up transaction within 6 months of the original iVeri transaction,
  • initiating a new transaction request with the cardholder’s details.

A reversal should not be confused with a Void