VirtueMart (ver 1.0.0)

VirtueMart (ver 1.0.0)


iVeri Lite VirtueMart Plugin

The iVeri Lite Payment Gateway is a plugin that extends VirtueMart, allowing merchants to accept payment through the iVeri Payment Gateway. The extension works by giving customers to option to pay via iVeri and then redirecting them to iVeri to make payment.



The following steps need to be followed when installing the plugin and configuring the VirtueMart plugin:

  • Download the module
  • Go to Joomla's Extension manager
  • Select the iVeri zipfile ( and install it
  • Still in the Extension Manager of Joomla, click on "Manage"
  • Search for the iVeri module, and activate it
  • Using the main menu, navigate to Components -> VirtueMart
  • Using the VirtueMart menu, navigate to Shop -> Payment Methods
  • Review the settings on the "Configuration" tab of the iVeri plugin
  • Click Save
  • The module is now ready to be tested in TEST MODE, if the "Test Mode" is to be used, make sure the setting is set to "Yes" and TEST application ID must be is in-use
  • To use the module in LIVE mode, ensure that the Live Application ID is configured. Change sandbox to "No" and click Save



An acquirer merchant account and related iVeri Lite profile which, once the iVeri Lite has been created, a test application ID can be used for testing transactions to the Gateway sandbox environment and the LIVE application ID is used for live processing of transactions



This module is currently compatible with Joomla 3. * + and using Virtue Mart 3. *


Configuration of the Merchant Gateway details

Below are the configuration parameters of the merchant that need to be configured for test and LIVE

  • Enable/Disable: Enable
  • Title: Credit card payments
  • Description: Populate a short description which will be presented when the customer chooses to pay via iVeri Lite
  • Payment Gateway Live URL: Populate the appropriated Gateway URL
  • Payment Gateway Test URL: Populate the appropriate Gateway URL as per the URL’s below
  • iVeri Lite LIve Application ID: Use your Live Application ID as generated by the Gateway
  • iVeri Lite Test Application ID: Use your Test application ID as generated by the Gateway
  • iVeri Lite Test Mode: Enable Test Mode (tick if using a Test Application ID otherwise untick)


Payment Gateway URL's

The iVeri Lite URL to use is dependent on the merchant’s region and acquiring bank that holds the merchant agreement


Test Credit Card Details

For testing purposes you need to use your test application ID. You can use the following credit card numbers to test; just set the expiry date in the future. A list of test credit card numbers may be downloaded

Test Card NumberExpected ResultResult Description
424242424242424242Result Code “0”Approved
2121212121212121Randomly Result Code 3, 4 & 5 Hot Card, Denied & Please call
5454545454545454Result Code 9Unable to process
Any other cardError code 14Invalid card number