User Manager

 Manger the user on your back office


Edit User

Edit – General details 

Purpose - To edit/change any of the user information previously captured, or to suspend a user from having access to BackOffice

Hover over the users’ profile and select on the user’s icon. 

Select the Edit button

Make the changes on the Users profile and click Save Changes to action the change.

Please Note: 
To change Password of the user to a new one, select either Change Password or reset Password 
You can make changes to the Users existing profile. To suspend / disable an users access to BackOffice, navigate to the ‘Enabled’ tab and click on the Radio button. This will suspend / disable the users access. Click on the Save Changes to action the changes.

 Add User

Purpose - To add/capture the details for a new user

Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. 
Select “Add New User” Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

Reset Password

Should a user have forgot their login password to BackOffice, navigate to the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.


The system will request you to enter your User Group / Merchant Profile ID and Username.

Once the user clicks on submit, a notification will appear that the user will receive an e-mail notification. The e-mail notification will contain a link that the user will access to change their password.

Now that the user has clicked on the link, they will be redirected to the BackOffice Reset Password page. Enter and confirm the new password. Lastly to action the new password change, click on Reset Password tab.

The following notification will appear on a successful password change.

Service Parameters

Purpose - To allocate the functions within BackOffice in which you (the Administrator) want to allow the new user to have or not have access to

Select Users, select a particular user, and then select Service Parameters, based on the products used by the merchant choose Yes or No to a particular access rights and limits.
Save Changes once done.

Service Functions

Purpose – Based on the functions that the user has been granted on a particular product these parameters determine the functions to be made available pertaining to the product access a user has.

Tick on the relevant functions a user is enabled to perform within Backoffice for a particular product.

Save Changes once completed.


Application Parameters

Purpose – This function is used to allocate application ID(s) that a User is only allowed to have access to. This application refers to specific product and what a merchant uses to process transactions through iVeri.
Example below indicates that when you select a particular Application ID an Administrator can configure what functions can this user perform in a particular Application ID. If no function is associated to an Application ID, no access is granted to that user.

Administrator can configure what Transaction Types a user can perform on a specific Application ID.
If no Transaction Types are configured for a user, the user will be unable to process transactions for any of the Application IDs.

Select the product and Live Application IDs you as an Administrator would like a user to access and configure per product, the Transaction types a user can access by ticking the applicable box under Transaction Types.

Save Changes once complete.

Administrator Password Reset

Purpose – This is used when an Administrator would like to reset their existing password.

From the menu, select the Administrator area and choose the option to change password.
It is recommended that you use Alphanumeric and Special characters to ensure the password strength meter indicates a strong password.

Save Changes once completed



Purpose – The dashboard provides the Merchant with a summary or snapshot of Sales, Transactions and Transaction statuses within a set period of time. Depending on the needs of the Merchant, the dashboard is customisable by dragging and dropping the relevant widgets on the dashboard.

The dashboard offers merchants a comprehensive overview of their sales, transactions, and transaction statuses within a specified time frame. It serves as a real-time snapshot of business performance, enabling merchants to quickly assess key metrics and trends.

To cater to different business needs, the dashboard is fully customizable. Merchants can drag and drop various widgets to tailor the layout, ensuring that the most relevant data is easily accessible. This flexibility allows merchants to focus on the insights that matter most to their operations, such as daily sales trends, payment success rates, or transaction volume breakdowns.

How to customise your dashboard:

From the widgets menu, merchants can select and drag their preferred widgets onto the dashboard, allowing them to customize their view based on their specific business needs.