Download Reconciliation * ** / Purpose - /*To download and save the selected reconciliation file in XML format. / Action: /* Mouse over the menu function Reconciliation then click on Download File. This will bring up the following form / Action: /* If you have only one merchant Card Acceptor ID, simply click on Submit. If you however have more than one, then click on the drop down and select the Card Acceptor ID number for which you want the report before you click on Submit. Select the cycle you wish to view. / Please Note:  /* If your file contains more than 10000 records, then the time in the message above will show 20 minutes. It is recommended that you click on the words Click Here and you will receive an email when your file is ready for retrieval.

Add User * ** / Purpose /* - To add/capture the details for a new user. / Action /*: Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. Select “Add New User”. Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

Transaction History * ** / Purpose /*-To obtain a list of transactions for a selected calendar period reflecting all the result details for each in XML format. / Action: */ Click on View then Transaction History / Action: /* To view Transaction history, .click on the appropriate Application ID, Live or Test / Action: /* Make your selection of period/time in the above form by manually changing the default dates or using the calendar icons next to each date. Also select file format i.e. XML or CSV. Once done click on Download. Your file will be open or downloaded to selected folder

Transaction Lookup * ** / Purpose /* - To lookup the details of a single transaction based on specific search criteria. / Action: /* Click on View then Transaction Lookup / Action: /* Click on the Application ID on which you want to do the lookup e.g., Live or Test / Action: /* Select the Date on which the transaction took place by changing the default date or by clicking on the calendar icon next to the date. If you are not 100% sure of the date, you are able to search in a range of up to + or – 2 days of the date you have selected by changing the 0 default to 1 or 2 in the +/- Days drop down next to the date. You then need to enter either the Transaction Index or the Merchant Reference number. If you do not have either of these numbers you are able to enter either the full credit card nu

Billing * ** / Purpose /*- This feature shows the Billing that is in place for this merchants’ transactions. The list of transaction and what is being charged to the merchant, this will appear here. Note: the plus sign provides details as to how this amount is calculated. / Action: /* Click on Billing / Action: /* Choose a date to search for transactions processed at a certain period. Transaction will appear

Settlement * ** / Purpose - */ This detail information provides the merchant the view based on what they will be settled on based on processed transactions. It also provides a breakdown on what could have been retained by the acquiring bank and what is due to them as the merchant. iVeri will then settle the merchant once the acquirer settles the funds to iVeri. / Action: /* After the user clicks on settlement, select the date range for the settled transaction. (The image attached should follow on from the image where the user clicks on the ‘settlement’ tab).

* Edit User * ** */ Purpose /* - To edit/change any of the user information previously captured, or to suspend a user from having access to BackOffice */ Action /*: From the main menu the user will navigate to "User". Hover over the users’ profile you would like to edit and select the user’s icon. / Action /* : Select the "Edit" button. Please Note: * To change Password of the user to a new one, select either "Change Password" or "Reset Password". Make the changes on the Users profile and click Save Changes to action the change. *Please note:* User profiles cannot be deleted but can be disabled by the Administrator. To do this, the Administrator needs to click on the "Enabled" radio button, which will change the status to disabled.

* Service Parameters * ** */ Purpose /* - To allocate the functions within BackOffice in which you (the Administrator) want to allow the new user to have or not have access to */ Action /*: Select Users, select a particular user, and then select Service Parameters, based on the products used by the merchant choose Yes or No to a particular access rights and limits. Save Changes once done.

Login * ** Purpose * - To log in to the secure BackOffice Website, login credentials are emailed to the merchant during the take-on process by the acquirer. Action: * User Group - enter your Billing Details ID User Name - type in Administrator if you are the administrator or the username for the profile that was created. Password - this is the Administrator password sent to you with the Billing Details ID by email. Copy and paste it from the email.

* Service Functions * ** */ Purpose /* – Based on the functions that the user has been granted on a particular product these parameters determine the functions to be made available pertaining to the product access a user has. /* Action */: Tick on the relevant functions a user is enabled to perform within Backoffice for a particular product. Save Changes once completed.